Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pervious two peices

i dont know if i am entirely happy with them. I am happy turning them in but i may want to play with them some more. Also i have a very clear idea of what i am doing for my next to. Not visually wise. But i know i am going to incorporate more drawing if I do more wax stuff. I can't see myself not doing wax. But idk we'll see.

Monday, January 18, 2010

My art

So I'm working on my African danc eencaustic and i like where it's goin gits just taking too long and i mgetting nervous about the due date because idk if my new and improved lyrical peice works counts as a re done on the old on or as one of my two new ones. eeek. I'm also spiffying up my ballerina life drawing so it can go in my breadth section.
ya thats it.
Oh i saw Avatar, very cool. Star Wars meets Pocahontas

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I was thinking about encaustics and all of a sudden i was reminded of Josh Simpson the glass artist. His big thing is layering and i love his glass work, it made me think if it was possible to do a similar type of thing with wax, thats would be soooooooo cool. It would be cloudier but it would still be layer and shiney. hmmmm.... i wonder. This is kins of my dream now, to see an encaustic that looks like his stuff. Not necessarily have me do it . I just wanna see it.
here's his stuff if you don't know who im talking about
Josh Simpson

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm thinking...

! should probably spell check and proof read before I post stuff on my blog :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

National Portfolio Day!

So i arrived at national portfolio day at 11:30 with Lindsay and very glad i did because the lines were already growing. I went to the Cornish guy first - which was acctually the only one i really wanted to go to - He, really liked my art :) which is good because i am applying there for dance. It was also great because when i told the other schools tht i was acctually going into dance they were a bit taken aback and confused as to why i was there which was a tad akward. But anyway the Cornish guy gave me good ideas and advice. I espeically liked that he was used to the encaustics and told me how you can incorporate lots of thengs like beads which i now really want to try :) BEADS! in WAX!
I went to the Academy of Arts and the University of Arts - which has a good dance program - and they pretty much said the same stuff but the UA guy was a bit scary. They all told me that technically i was strong and they liked my thought process a lot they were also excited to see where i would go with my work because they could see it was random right now but had potential to becoming very whole this year. And as expected they told me to GO BIG and draw from OBSERVATION ( i hope your reading this Mrs McBride haha).
Another interesting this was the AA lady saw lots of small design inspiration in my work and pulled up concepts such as with the drawing in the back of my grandpas how i would seem like i owuld enjoy such things as even making the words part of the art by taking desgn and caligraphy classes. hmmm....
Oh and the Cornish guy was like "well seeing as you've applied and have an audition this takes care of your portfolio info we would need if your intrrested i ntaking art classes too" very cool :)
I have two audition ocming up :) :) nervous but excited.

This weekend i also helped to host a fun dance party asa going away fot my friend ashley, and MORP which was fun too :)

wow i wrote a lot.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


So i have had two paintings done for a while now and am happy with them. Today i spend 12 hours trying out different versions of my third everyhting has failed me and now i am just so frustrated and annoyed with it. I have a semi background left of the things that iwill let daylight see. I have decided that I really need help and advice for this from my fellow artitis during critics. I have decided that i would rather get a bad grad eon this one peice than put something i nmy concentration that i am not happy with. so there .... i feel better now

Two done!

I have two painting donzo - Modern and Broadway - I am working on my third right now but am having trouble because to put it plainly i don't know what to do. ya . I'm sure it will turn out ok in the end.