So on monday the 15 i am going up to Seattle for a dance audition at Cornish College of the Arts im pretty relaxed about it because it is just a class so i feel confidant. The cool thing about Cornish is that i got a letter in the mail saying i had been recommended for their art program because of national portfolio day and i had to write back saying if i wanted to continue dance or switch to art so that was pretty cool. Then on that
saturday i am flying down to Chapman for a dance audition, which i am nervous about because i have to do two solos for them by myself. No pressure... :/. But i am excited to go back to Cali and be warm :) :) :).
Speaking of dance, in creative writing we did an activity where Mrs. Long turned on music and we had to draw along with the music and switch stokes and colors whenever the music changed and so on. There was some really cool results. So...... Cara gave me the brilliant idea of using this technique and incorporating it into my concentration, so I'm gonna try some stuff in my sketchbook today and see what happens :).
So...The Whistling Season. I Thought it went really well, i hadn't prepared anything to say because i didn't think it was such a huge deal but it turned ou
t that like 5o people were there including the mayor and the superintendent etc. and i had to use a microphone. But, it went well. The wagon wheels were s
oooooo good. And i had like three people come to me and tell me they really liked my piece including - Mrs Chrisman told me this - and art consultant was there before everyone arrived and she really really liked my piece :)
:) it went really w
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